Sunday, October 08, 2006

Things I Have Learned About Blogging

I have learned several things while attempting to set up this blog.

1. A reliable internet connection is priceless. I have bumbling along with a hand-me-down router that is universally recognized by all who have used it to be an extremely tempermental, frustrating, worthless router. Yet I still accepted it and have been attempting to use it for the past 6 weeks. That changes today. The router disconnected my computer so many times, I lost count. Then when it actually was holding on to a thread of a connection, it was soooooo slow. Lookls like I am going to make Best Buy $50 dollars richer.

2. There is quite a bit of decision making involved in blogging. Just to set up this blog, I had to make A LOT of decisions. What to name it, what style background to use, what log in name, I want, a password, etc... All who know me, know that my decision making skills are still in the "To-Do" column. So name, background, and content are all subject to change.

3. This is scary. Suddenly I am putting thoughts and words out into cyber space for all to see and critique. No wonder my friend Cassie is reluctant to start. (although she does have one rockin' cool page and it will be a terrific blog when she starts!)

4. My friend Marisa must be a genius. She has now had a successful blog for quite some time. I have always thought she was super cool, but this puts over the top.

Ok, enough for now. I'll wait to write again until I have something more interesting to say.

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