Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Well-Deserved Break!

I think this may be my most well-deserved break ever! I have now finished my first term of my first year of medical school. I can now officially say I feel like a medical student. It must have been the horrific week of studying like crazy and taking a lot of finals, but now I feel validated. But as well as validated, I am also exhausted! As a gal who has always been in school with quarter terms, this 15 week term has been loooooong! And it was supposed to be a quarter not a semester. At least next term is only 11 weeks long.

But being on break also entitles me to eat sugar cereal. Well, at least entitles me to be foolish enough to eat sugar cereal. I always love to eat it but inevitably I feel terrible with a stomach ache a couple hours later. So this term, I have gone through many options: lucky charms, frosted flakes, and cinnamon toast crunch, in between eating boring things like Corn Pockets, corn flakes, and raisin bran. But this week I am treating myself to Cap'n Crunch. I love break!!

Also being on break has enabled me to travel a bit. I went to San Francisco for a couple of days as a tagger along to my mom's business trip. And get this: we stayed at the Ritz Carlton. It was going to be such a treat, but here is the bugger: there were many boo-boos. First, we were put into a small room that looks like it was for a rich person's personal assistant. Then, the food stunk! I couldn't believe it. Isn't the food supposed to be good? But on the plus side, I did make out with two tiny Tabasco sause bottles. Good gift for C. But the trip with my mom and sis was terrific and we got to see many terrific sites including the Presidio. If you don't know what it is, google it because it was cool.

But now, Christmas is just around the corner and I have a family reunion to go to tomorrow. I just need to get some sleep so that in a couple of days I will be ready to go and take immunology and cell physiology and on and on and on.

1 comment:

Marisa said...

If your idea of junk food is sugar cereal, then I've got a looong way to go...