Thursday, November 09, 2006

I am proud of my classmates!

I had a great moment today! True, there are some in my life that would call my reaction over sentimental and bordering on chick flick-iness, C! But it was fantastic. There are some of my classmates who are forming an acapella singing group. (I happen to love acapella, by the way). Well today, they performed a song for us today at the beginning of our class. They aren't professionals yet, but they were pretty darn good. But here was the cool part: every single person in our class whooped, clapped, and stood for them when they were done. It was a perfect picture of solidarity and support for our classmates. We should all feel good that these people will be doctors, they have great hearts!

A dose of goodness in the world goes a long way in making my heart feel great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where's the new post?